Erebot  latest
A modular IRC bot for PHP 7.0+
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 |oCChannelContains the configuration for an IRC channel
 |oCMainContains the main (general) configuration for Erebot
 |oCModuleThis class stores configuration data about modules
 |oCNetworkThis class contains the configuration for an IRC network
 |oCProxyA configuration proxy which cascades settings
 |\CServerThis class contains the configuration for an IRC server
 |oCMessageProviderCustom message provider for Console_CommandLine
 |oCParallelOptionCustom option that can be used in parallel with regular options
 |\CStoreProxyActionCustom action which acts as a proxy
 |oCBanTriggered when a ban is set on a channel
 |oCChanActionTriggered when an action is received on a channel the bot is on
 |oCChanCtcpTriggered when a CTCP request is received on a channel the bot is on
 |oCChanCtcpReplyTriggered when a CTCP reply is received on a channel the bot is on
 |oCChanNoticeTriggered when a notice is received on a channel the bot is on
 |oCChanTextTriggered when a message is received on a channel the bot is on
 |oCConnectTriggered when the bot considers itself as being connected to a new IRC server
 |oCDeHalfopTriggered when someone loses HALF-OPerator priviledges on a channel
 |oCDeOpTriggered when someone loses OPerator priviledges on a channel
 |oCDeOwnerTriggered when someone loses OWNER priviledges on a channel
 |oCDeProtectTriggered when someone loses PROTECTion priviledges on a channel
 |oCDeVoiceTriggered when someone loses VOICE priviledges on a channel
 |oCDisconnectTriggered when the connection to a server gets dropped
 |oCErrorTriggered when the bot receives an ERROR message from the server
 |oCExceptTriggered when a ban exception is set on a channel
 |oCExitEventTriggered when someone asks the bot to shutdown (from the command-line)
 |oCHalfopTriggered when someone receives HALF-OPerator priviledges on a channel
 |oCInviteTriggered when someone gets invited on a channel
 |oCJoinTriggered when someone joins a channel the bot is already on
 |oCKickTriggered when someone gets kicked out a channel the bot is on
 |oCLogonTriggered right after a connection is opened to an IRC server
 |oCModeGivenAbstractTriggered when someone sets a mode on a channel
 |oCNickTriggered when someone changes their IRC nickname
 |oCNotifyTriggered when someone on the watch list signs on IRC
 |oCNumericA class representing a numeric event
 |oCOpTriggered when someone receives OPerator priviledges on a channel
 |oCOwnerTriggered when someone receives OWNER priviledges on a channel
 |oCPartTriggered when someone leaves a channel the bot is on
 |oCPingTriggered when the bot receives a PING message from a server
 |oCPongTriggered when the bot receives a PONG message from a server
 |oCPrivateActionTriggered when an action is received in private
 |oCPrivateCtcpTriggered when a CTCP request is received in private
 |oCPrivateCtcpReplyTriggered when a CTCP reply is received in private
 |oCPrivateNoticeTriggered when a private notice is received
 |oCPrivateTextTriggered when a private message is received
 |oCProtectTriggered when someone receives PROTECTion priviledges on a channel
 |oCQuitTriggered when someone on a common channel with the bot quits IRC
 |oCRawModeTriggered when a channel's modes are changed
 |oCServerCapabilitiesTriggered when the bot has determined what features the IRC server supports
 |oCTopicTriggered when the topic of a channel the bot is on changes
 |oCUnBanTriggered when a ban is removed from a channel
 |oCUnExceptTriggered when a ban exception is removed from a channel
 |oCUnNotifyTriggered when someone on the watch list signs off IRC
 |oCUserModeTriggered when the bot's usermodes are changed
 |\CVoiceTriggered when someone receives VOICE priviledges on a channel
 |oCServerA server compatible with the Identification Protocol (RFC 1413)
 |\CWorkerA worker process for the Identification Protocol (RFC 1413)
 |oCASCIIIRC collator for the "ascii" subset
 |oCRFC1459IRC collator for the "rfc1459" subset
 |\CStrictRFC1459IRC collator for the "strict-rfc1459" subset
 |oCBahamutNumeric profile for Bahamut-based IRC servers
 |oCCsircdNumeric profile for csircd-based IRC servers
 |oCInspIRCdNumeric profile for InspIRCd-based IRC servers
 |oCIrc2Numeric profile for irc2-based IRC servers
 |oCIrcdHybridNumeric profile for ircd-hybrid-based IRC servers
 |oCIrcdRatboxNumeric profile for ircd-ratbox-based IRC servers
 |oCIrcuNumeric profile for ircu-based IRC servers
 |oCRFC2812Numeric profile for unknown IRC servers, based on RFC 2812
 |oCUltimateNumeric profile for UltimateIRCd-based IRC servers
 |\CUnrealNumeric profile for UnrealIRCd-based IRC servers
 |oCHTTPProxies data through an HTTP proxy
 |\CSOCKSProxies data through a SOCKS 5 proxy
 oCCLIProvides the entry-point for Erebot
 oCConnectionFactoryConnection factory
 oCCoreProvides core functionalities for Erebot
 oCEventHandlerAn event handler which will call a callback function/method whenever a set of conditions are met
 oCIdentityRepresents the identity of an IRC user
 oCIrcConnectionHandles a (possibly encrypted) connection to an IRC server
 oCIrcParserA class that can parse IRC messages and produce events to match the commands in those messages
 oCIrcTextWrapperA wrapper that correctly splits messages received from an IRC server (data part)
 oCLineIOA class that provides a line-by-line reader
 oCNumericHandlerA class to handle numeric events
 oCNumericReferenceA class that holds a reference to an IRC numeric
 oCPatchesA class that provides some patches for PHP
 oCPromptA simple prompt which can be used to send commands remotely
 oCTextWrapperA wrapper to easily split a string using a separator and deal with other operations related to separators
 \CXGlobStreamA stream wrapper which performs a glob on files and returns the content of all matching files, wrapped in XML boilerplate