Erebot latest-0.6.0-74-g691fc3f documentation


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This pages contains instructions on how to install Erebot on your machine. There are several ways to achieve that. Each method is described below.


You cannot mix the different methods. Especially, you must use the same method to install modules as the one you selected for Erebot itself.

Installation using PHAR archives

A PHAR archive is simply a way of bundling all the necessary files in one big file. However, the PHAR archive does not contain any module. Thus, to get a working installation, you must install additional Erebot modules. At a minimum, this includes the following modules:

Installing Erebot from a PHAR archive involves only a few steps:

  • Make sure your installation fulfills all of the Prerequisites.


    As all of Erebot’s PHAR archives (core and modules) are digitally signed, you must make sure the OpenSSL extension is enabled on your PHP installation. Failure to do so will result in an error when trying to run Erebot’s PHAR archive.

  • Download the PHAR archive for Erebot itself. You can grab the latest version from our release page <>. You MUST also download the public signature for the archive. The signature is available for download alongside the PHAR archive.

  • Create a directory named modules in the same folder as the PHAR.

  • Download the PHAR archive and its signature for each of the following modules:


    You MUST copy both the PHAR archives and their signature in the modules directory. Otherwise, PHP will refuse to load those PHAR archives because it cannot check their origin and integrity.

    Make sure you also read each module’s documentation to look for any additional prerequisites.

  • (Optional) Download the PHAR archives & signature of any additional module you would like to use.

Your tree should now look like this:

  • Erebot/
    • Erebot-X.Y.Z.phar

    • Erebot-X.Y.Z.phar.pubkey

    • modules/
      • Erebot_Module_AutoConnect-X.Y.Z.phar
      • Erebot_Module_AutoConnect-X.Y.Z.phar.pubkey
      • Erebot_Module_IrcConnector-X.Y.Z.phar
      • Erebot_Module_IrcConnector-X.Y.Z.phar.pubkey
      • Erebot_Module_PingReply-X.Y.Z.phar
      • Erebot_Module_PingReply-X.Y.Z.phar.pubkey
      • eventually, additional PHAR archives with their signature

Once the PHAR archives have been retrieved, you may wish to change file permissions on Erebot-X.Y.Z.phar:

$ chmod 0755 Erebot-*.phar

This way, you may later launch Erebot simply by executing the PHAR archive:

$ ./Erebot-*.phar


Even though the command above should work on most installations, a few known problems may occur due to incompatibilities with certain PHP features and extensions. To avoid such issues, it is usually a good idea to check the following items:

  • Make sure detect_unicode is set to Off in your php.ini. This is especially important on MacOS where this setting tends to be On for a default PHP installation.

  • If you applied the Suhosin security patch to your PHP installation, make sure phar is listed in your php.ini under the suhosin.executor.include.whitelist directive.

  • Please be aware of certain incompatibilities between the Phar extension and the ionCube Loader extension. To run Erebot from a PHAR archive, you will need to remove the following line from your php.ini:


    (the path and versions may be different for your installation).


When run from a PHAR archive, Erebot will first try to determine whether all requirements needed to run the bot and its modules are respected. In case an error is displayed, follow the indications given in the error message and try running the bot again.

That’s it! You may now read the section on final steps for a summary of what to do next.

Installation using Composer

First, make sure Composer is installed. If not, follow the installation instructions <> on their website.

  • Create a new folder named Erebot and go into that folder:

    me@localhost:~/$ mkdir Erebot
    me@localhost:~/$ cd Erebot
  • Use Composer to install the bot’s code:

    me@localhost:~/Erebot/$ php /path/to/composer.phar require --update-no-dev erebot/erebot erebot/ircconnector-module erebot/pingreply-module erebot/autoconnect-module

    You may pass additional module names if you want to use other modules.

  • Next, if you’re an Erebot developer, install development dependencies as well:

    me@localhost:~/Erebot/$ php /path/to/composer.phar update

That’s it! The bot is now installed. Be sure to read the section on final steps for a summary of what to do next.

Final steps

Once Erebot (core files + a few modules) has been installed, you can write a configuration file for Erebot (usually named Erebot.xml).

When this is done, the bot can be started, assuming that PHP can be found in your PATH using one of the following commands. Exactly what command must be used depends on the installation method.

# For an installation using PHAR archives.
# Must be run from the folder in which Erebot was installed.
$ php ./Erebot-<version>.phar

# For an installation using Composer.
# Must be run from the folder in which Erebot was installed.
$ php ./vendor/bin/Erebot

Let’s call this command %EREBOT%.

In each case, the bot reacts to a few command-line options. Use the following command to get help on those options.

$ %EREBOT% --help


For ease of use, Linux users may prefer to add the path where Erebot-version.phar or the Erebot script resides to their PATH. This way, the bot can be started simply by launching Erebot or Erebot-version.phar from the command-line or by double-clicking on them from a graphical file browser.


Unfortunately for Windows users, there is no equivalent to the PATH trick noted above. However, it is possible to associate the .phar extension with PHP. This way, if Erebot was installed using PHAR archives, the bot can be started simply by double-clicking on Erebot-version.phar.

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